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  • Children

    Spring 2

    What We Are Learning 

    English: Non-Chronological Report, Biography and Narrative from a different viewpoint

    Maths: Year 6, Position and Direction, Shape, Angles and Statistics

    History: World War 2

    Science: Light

    PSHE: Health and Wellbeing

    PE: Multi Skills - Hockey

    French: Regular Verbs

    Art: Blitz Skyline

    Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide dates, key vocabulary, key facts and important information that will be covered. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.

    History Knowledge Organiser - World War 2

    Science Knowledge Organiser - Light

    Copy of Knowledge Organiser Light updated 2023.pdf

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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