Our Geography curriculum is designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives. In EYFS children learn about places through first hand experiences of where they live and go to school, places they have visited and by finding out about the experiences of others. Settings in stories and non-fiction in this country and other countries broadens their understanding of the world. Children explore simple maps both real and imaginary. In KS1 and KS2 children investigate a range of places – both in Britain and abroad – to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. We are committed to providing all children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Pudsey, Leeds and Yorkshire so that they can develop a real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special. Our key substantive knowledge strands are:
These are an integral part of our curriculum as children continually revisit these concepts to secure a deeper understanding of the World. Through high quality teaching, we aim to develop the following essential characteristics of geographers:
We aim for all children to develop a genuine interest in geography and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live here so that they develop a desire to find out more about the world or explore it themselves. |
During their time at Primrose Hill we want our children to learn and become passionate about Yorkshire. We feel it is important for children to understand what our county has to offer so that they are proud to be from Yorkshire. Planned topics where a comparison to our locality helps children focus on the unique human and physical features Yorkshire has to offer. A sense of Yorkshire pride is woven throughout our Geography curriculum. This includes a visit to a Yorkshire farm for Reception children to a study of the River Aire at various points for Year 6. Mini studies of Yorkshire cities are carried out in Year 4 and a study of a Yorkshire coastline in Year 2.
Where in the world ensures Geography is taught weekly throughout the year. This means when Geography is not the main topic, children are still talking and enquiring about the world around them. Where in the world asks children to locate countires around the world. Children are presentend with an outline image of a country and are encouraged to use atlases, maps and globes to locate the country. Clues are given to support revisiting key geographical vocabulary and support children in thinking about where countries are in relation to their continent, oceans and to the UK. Children learn interesting facts about the county and also compare the scale of the country to the UK. Where in the world is published weekly on our school newsletter for familes to enjoy at home. Here is an example of a Where in the world lesson.
With a focus on geographical locational knowledge and mapping skills, the whole school launched themselves into discovering the Natural Wonders of the world. Each year group were given a wonder to discover. The week progressed with children leading their enquiries, using clues, maps and images to support questioning and thinking. Children wrote non fiction texts using their geographical knowledge and presented these in a 'Wonder walk'. This gave children the opportunity to share their learning with the rest of school, supporting oracy and giving the children the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and understanding of the world.