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    Class assemblies

    As part of our continuing oracy work each class has the opportunity to present their learning to a their class, then a wider audience in the main school hall.  Each class has decided on a topic and then every pupil has had the chance to speak audibly and confidently alongside their peers in front of their key stage.

    For example: Year 6 R based their class assembly on their residential to Robinwood in November and they linked their experience to our learning legends.  They also invited governors to attend their assembly.  Year 1F told us all about their class reader The Smartest Giant in Town.  Year 3W spoke confidently about Remembrance Sunday whilst Y4W shared their learning about character descriptions from their class reader Narnia.  Year 2A have explained all about their Science, Computing and PE learning.  They made food chains and demonstrated different rolls from their gymnastics sessions.

    We have been very impressed by their loud voices, eye contact with audience, facial expressions, steady pace, tonal intonation and engagement with the audience.  Some pupils were incredibly nervous before they started but all were keen to overcome their nerves and speak clearly.

    Year 6W entertained us all by sharing their Science learning about the Circulatory System and Y6C explained all about art techniques  they had learnt about at a recent artist workshop they had taken part in.

    Year 2A's class assembly

    In the spring term we started to invite our parents into  school to watch our class assemblies.  It is a great way for us to share our learning and present to a wider audience. So far we have had Y2K and Y3W' s class assemblies for parents but we will all, including Reception, get a chance to showcase our developing oracy skills before the end of the academic year.

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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