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    Here at Primrose Hill it is our intent  to provide children with key transferrable writing skills to build on year on year, that can be used throughout each phase of their education and prepare them for secondary school. We believe that writing is a key skill for life both inside and out of education and that is why it features across all the subjects taught across our school. Children will write for a range of purposes and audiences at Primrose Hill. We provide children with a range of engaging hooks to capture their imagination. We aim to provide the children with real, relevant and purposeful reasons for writing and believe that this not only produces higher quality writing, but allows our learners to apply their skills to a range of different contexts. Writing across all subject areas will prepare our children for high school and the more in-depth approach to analysing, planning and innovating their writing.

    Owlcotes Elements

    One of our Owlcotes Elements is 'A Way With Words'.  We want our pupils to be efffective communicators both orally and in written form.  Each year group has opportunities to develop their writing and oracy skills.  For example in year 4 pupils have the opportunity to enter a national writing competition.  Some entries are published in a book which is then purchased by the school and parents.  Year 3 have the opportunity to compete against other schools in a Spelling Bee competition where they showcase their spelling abilities.  Y2 watch a Christmas pantomine and see how the power of words can entertain.  Y6 script their own debate speeches and debate against other local school at Pudsey Civic Hall.  They realise the power of words to persuade and inform on current topics.  Our younger pupils take part in annual author and poet worshops as part of our Focus Week work sometimes these are directly linked to whole school book focus.  All pupils take part in our annual Poetry Slam where they recite and perform a poem in front of a wider audience.  Y4 have the chance to publish their own book and all pupils take part in whole school writing competitions.

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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