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    Gallery of Learning

    Explanation texts about life cycles

    DT - Viking Longships

    Raising Aspirations Week

    Y5 kick started their week with a visit from Steve and Roxy who are Police Dog Handlers. They explained their role, uniform, equipment and all about how they have to train their dogs regularly so that they are ready for the job. The children were fortunate to see 3 dogs however only one (Roost) was seen in action searching the playgground.

    We then welcomed Leigh Purvess to school who talked to the children about her wide range of roles within journalism and broadcasting. The children were fascinated at how many roles she has done within her career from radio presenters, news reporting, to writing news and magazine articles to interviewing famous people on the red carpet at events such as the Oscars.

    Our final visitor on Monday was Samanatha Yule who is also a journalist but on more of a local basis. She discussed the route in which she took to reach her current role and then the importance of being able to take notes quickly when interviewing. She demonstrated how to use shorthand with the children, which they found to be interesting.

    Yesterday, we had a visit from Dr Morgan Herod, a virologist at The University of Leeds. He spoke to the children about the different elements of being a scientist. They even had the chance to do their own practical experiment using milk proteins and Irn-Bru!

    We were very lucky to have an artist visit us. She shared how she started her journey working in a pizza shop where she created her first mural to how she now creates designs for wallpapers, large buildings as well as some soft furnishings. Charlotte explained how she needs to include her Maths and problems solving skills in addition to her creativity.

    Today Y5/6 had a visit from BT Openreach. 7 members of staff with different roles visited school and shared what their role involves and allowed the children to interact with the equipment they use. This was a very interactive and informative session that demonstrated feeding cables underground, the fibres which are used to create the network and a hoist.

    We had a wonderful afternoon exploring some Viking artefacts. The children spent a long time discussing and trying to establish what the items were and what they were used for.

    In art we have been study the work of DaVinci. The children have created earthy tints and shades using their ixing skills to create art in his style.

    Children took part in a session linked to STEM. During this, they built a Lego robot and then coded it along a range of routes.

    Jorvik and Dig Centre


    The children had a fabulous time at the Jorvik and Dig Centre in York as part of their Viking learning. So far they have looked at a range of artefacts from 4 periods of time, dug for artefacts in each time period, learnt about Viking medicine and been on a journey through the Viking era.


    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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