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  • Children


    Art - Burley Banksy - Year 4 were incredibly lucky to be given the opportunity to work with the 'Burley Banksy'. We were so inspired by him and were able to use his stencils and pain to create our very own telephone boxes (just like his does around Leeds) using our school Learning Legends. What a brilliant day!

    Leeds Art Gallery - We really enjoyed our visit into Leeds where we explored Sonia Boyce's art exhibition and made music with some of the gallery leaders.

    Pudsey Park - We were lucky enough to be invited to visit Pudsey Park by the park rangers to help them collect seeds for planting in the new year. Whilst we were there we learned about different trees, plants, insects and were visited by a beautiful red admiral butterfly before we left.

    Science - We have been learning about the digestive system. In this lesson we carried out an experiment where we recreated the digestive system using recreating all of the different organs and body parts that take part in the digestive process and we made poo, this was a smelly and memorable experience!

    PSHE - 5 Ways to Well being - Give back - We created our own community support groups that were going to give something back to our community. We thought about a charity name, logo and charity aims. In teams we came up with fantastic ideas like running a sports group for younger children and an animal care service to name just a few.

    Where In The World - We have the chance to learn about different countries every two weeks with our Geography Where In The World Sessions. We use clues and the outline of a country to locate it in an atlas, we then learn some interesting facts about that country.

    PE - We have been working on our fundamental skills of balancing and trying to transition between balances safely and efficiently. Today we used different apparatus in the hall to explore balances on different levels and moving on, off and around the equipment safely.

    Art - We explored paper weaving inspired by Gunta Stolzl, Septembers artist of the month, and her creative textile art work. We had to be very careful when weaving the coloured card between each of the pieces before folding the correct ends over and securing the paper strips with glue. Look at how brilliant our final results look!

    History - To recap our trip to the Royal Armouries last half term we retold the story of Boudicca and the Romans and ordered the events of the story in chronological order.


    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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