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  • Children


    Science - We have been sorting animals in to different groups (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians) Working groups we looked at the different animals and worked together to make a table.

    Science - we have begun our new science topic for this half term (animals including humans) and we focused on the parts of the human body. We worked in small groups and drew around one of us and then labelled as many parts of the body as we could. We finished off by presenting our work to the rest of the class.

    Maths - we have been continuing our learning of capacity this week and have been exploring the capacity of different containers. We worked in groups to measure how many cups of water it took to fill the various containers.

    DT - In DT we have designed and built our own pull along toys. We looked at how an axel and wheel works to move the toy along. We used cardboard boxes as the body of the animals. We decorated them using a collage method and PVA glue.

    Art - In Art we studied the artist Frida Kahlo. We practiced drawing different facial features. We have created a self portrait and created a border using Frida Kahlo's style as inspiration.


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