Owlcotes Elements - A sense of adventure - We had a brilliant time when we visited Mission out and really developed our sense of adventure with all the amazing activities we took part in. We showed teamwork, clear communication, respectful and supportive behaviour and were extremely brave throughout the day!
Writing - We spent time writing questions for Lucy to answer who is one of the main characters of our class reader 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. We then took it in turns to become Lucy and answer the questions.
Art - We have spent time recreating Basquiat's 'Pez Dispenser artwork with watercolour paints.
History - We started our history topic on 'The Romans' where we were able to use our whole school timeline to help understand where the time of the Romans began and ended.
Where In The World - We enjoyed exploring atlases and finding the first country for this years 'Where in the world'.
PE - We have been warming up our bodies with the traffic light game and then working on balances. We began to sequence these balances to make a small routine.
Science - We have started our first Science topic of the year which is 'Sound'. We were looking at how sounds were made and commenting on the vibrations that were happening.
Art - This half term we are studying the artist Jean Michelle Basquiat. We enjoyed creating an artist study page after learning about his style of art.
Maths - In Maths we have been looking at place value and using base 10 to help us partition numbers.