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  • About Us


    Welcome to Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School website.

    Our school has a friendly, community atmosphere in which everyone works happily together. We value the contribution parents make to school life and believe in partnership between parents and teachers in order to ensure the children benefit as much as possible from their education.

    We place importance on individuality and independence; encouraging children to help themselves and become "good learners", developing their individual talents to the full within a framework of respect and understanding. Our Learning Legends – Co-operation, Resilience, Respect, Independence and Curiosity are used throughout school to drive learning and achievement for all. We are proud of our curriculum and the enhancements that we offer through our Owlcotes Elements. All staff are dedicated to supporting children’s academic and personal development. We value every aspect of each child and continually work hard to ensure every child sees themselves in our curriculum and has the opportunity to find their passion and interests, as well as securing the best academic outcomes for all.

    Click here to find out more information about our school's commitment to your child's personal development and wellbeing. 

    If you have questions we don't answer on our website, please do contact us - we cannot possibly cover everything! By far the best way to get to know us is to pay us a visit. You will be most welcome.

    We look forward to meeting you.

    Mrs Kathryn  Dickson

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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