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    School Values


    Primrose Hill Primary School provides a happy, safe, caring and stimulating environment in which the children are engaged,  motivated to learn and experience the joy of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ in an environment where it is safe to experiment and overcome setbacks.  

    We aim for our pupils to acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare them for life-long learning and to develop an understanding of how they can positively contribute to their community and society.  Partnerships between children, staff, parents and our community contribute to the ‘Together we can make a Difference’ ethos which underpins the principles and practices at Primrose Hill.


    Our Primrose Hill values are to develop independence, co-operation, resilience, respect and curiosity.

    • We encourage, support and establish independence in children throughout their journey through school. Children are encouraged to reflect on their learning, problem solve, equip themselves and seek out resources or materials to help them learn and make progress. Independence is promoted by staff in all aspects of school life and independence is encouraged, acknowledged and celebrated.
    • We value the importance of cooperation. Our curriculum supports the development of team work, group work and working collaboratively, which provides children with real opportunities to co-operate with each other and appreciate the benefits to be gained from co-operative effort.
    • We strive to embed resilience and motivation in our children. Opportunities are taken to ensure children understand the value and benefit of; learning through mistakes, seeking alternative ways, methods or approaches and instilling the discipline to keep trying. Reflecting on their learning and actions helps children to see where they have gone wrong, where improvements can be made and where they have achieved their goals.
    • We develop respect for others by teaching children the importance of listening to others, to their ideas and to their views. We teach children to treat each other well, embracing diversity and valuing the contribution everyone makes to our school and our community.
    • We believe that Curiosity is key to raising engagement levels and motivation in pupils. Research confirms that when  pupils are  curious about a subject,they are much more likely to remember information they have learned. We therefore plan ‘hooks’ for learning through visits, visitors, events and provide interesting opportunities to explore within the curriculum. We pose challenging questions as part of our curriculum which is supplemented by enrichment activities, focus weeks and super learning days. 


    • To have high expectations of children both academically and socially so promoting high attainment, positive expectations and attitudes.
    • To provide a caring and supportive environment, developing lively minds by stimulating  interest and curiosity.
    • To enable children to discover their culture and the world around them.   To appreciate and be prepared for the ever changing world in which they live and for which they will eventually become responsible.
    • To foster a sense of self-respect and respect towards others by promoting the Primrose Hill School Behaviour Code.
    • To provide an inclusive environment, which gives each child equal opportunity regardless of background, gender, identity, ethnicity or disability and to stand against all forms of discrimination in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
    • To deliver the National Curriculum and where appropriate to the needs and talents of our pupils to go beyond it. By providing a cohesive curriculum of breadth and depth which focuses on a core of Oracy, Reading, English, Maths and Science enhanced by the richness and variety of the foundation subjects.
    • To strive for each and every pupil to achieve their potential.
    • To develop strong partnerships both within and outside of the school and encourage the involvement of parents/carers and a range of stakeholders in their child’s education so that ‘Together we can make a difference’ 
    • To promote learning, social and leisure opportunities within school and develop links to those available in the area to promote an interest in learning outside the classroom.
    • To foster a pride and appreciation of all children’s achievements.
    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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