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  • Key Information

    Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

    Key staff who work in collaboration with class teachers:


    Mrs Jennie Dale

    Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator 

    Working days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

    Miss Adele Whiteley

    Intervention Manager
    Working days Wednesday, Thursday and Friday am

    These members of staff can also be contacted via the school office on 0113 2574129

    Key information

    Every child on the SEND register has an Individual Provision Map, which outlines their strengths and barriers to learning. It also details the support they receive in school at a universal, targeted and personal level. This reflects a graduated approach; the maps are updated each term by class teachers after consultation with parents as part of the individual support and review process. The proforma used for our Individual Provision Maps can be found below.

    We hope that all parents and carers are happy with the support their child receives whilst at Primrose Hill Primary School but if you do have any concerns, you can and should speak to us in school. 

    If there are any complaints relating to the provision for children with SEND these will be dealt with in the first instance by the class teacher and SENCO, then, if unresolved, by the Headteacher. The governor with specific responsibility for SEND/inclusion may be involved if necessary. In the case of an unresolved complaint the issue should be taken through the general Governors complaints procedure (see separate Complaints Policy)  

    Further information about our complaints procedures can be found in the Complaints Policy. 

    Useful websites for parents:

    Mindmate Support Team

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

    Get In Touch