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    Religious Education

    Religious Education at Primrose Hill 

    Curriculum Intent

    At Primrose Hill Primary School we follow the Kapow scheme for Religious Education : Religion and Worldviews. This is a new scheme that we have launched in September 2023. The scheme is organised into 3 strands focsusing on: disciplinary knowledge, substantive knowledge personal knowledge. Across the scheme children will learn about a range of different religions and worldviews. 

    Through the curriculum we aim to engage pupils in inquiring and exploring questions arising from the study of religion and belief, so as to promote their spiritual, moral, personal, social and cultural development. Learners will be provided with knowledge and understanding of religious traditions and beliefs represented in Britain. We aim to encourage learners to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own. To continue to encourage oracy in RE so that children feel confident to talk about different points of view and share their own ideas and understanding. 

    To ensure progression and rigour, core religions through which RE should be taught, are identified in  each key stage. RE is taught in EYFS through topics where understanding of the world and people, cultures and communities is present. Children learn about and explore people's culture, diversity and religious celebrations such as Diwali, Christmas and Eid. In KS1 Learning is focused around Christianity and Islam, alongside non-religious perspectives. This may include aspects of other faiths and world views within themes studied and may reflect the beliefs in the local community and beyond. In KS2 learning is focused around developing pupils’ understanding of Christianity, Islam and nonreligious perspectives, extending to Judaism and Sikhism. We aim to develop children’s understanding of the ways in which beliefs influence people in their behaviour, practices and outlooks and encourage pupils to develop their identity and sense of belonging through self-awareness and reflection.

    Owlcotes Elements - Community Spirit

    During their time at Primrose Hill we want our children to learn and become passionate about RE. We feel it is important for children to understand different religions and different communities.  We achieve this through various visits to important places throughout the year for each year group and link it closely to the community. 





    RE Trips 

    In Autumn 2 Year 1 will be visiting Pudsey Parish Church to have a look around and identify the key features of a church. We will be focusing on the religion: Christianity. 

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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