We started our Outdoor Learning with some den building! The children had to use resources to create shelters. Mr Jack tested that the shelters were waterproof and luckily, they were!
As part of our writing learning, the chicks from reception came for a visit. We all enjoyed stroking them and learning lots of facts about how to look after them. We used these facts to write some wonderful fact files!
For our second science lesson we looked at animal groups and started to think about animal babies.
We matched animals to pictures of their young and started to think about the names of different animal babies. We also compared adult animals to their young and discussed the ways that they are similar and different. We found some animals were very similar but some were a little different, like frogs and tadpoles! Can you think of any other adult animals that look different to their young?
This term we are learning about animals, including humans. We started our topic with a recap of different animal groups. We sorted facts into the correct animal group and matched the animals correctly.