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Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we are learning...

Below you will find information for what we will be learning in class this half term.                                                        


In writing we are focusing on character descriptions, narratives and poetry. We will be reading the following text as our class readers: Grandad's Island, The Three Little Pigs and The Smartest Giant in Town. Our writing work will focus on these texts. We will be reading the following poem in class: Twas the night before Christmas. Our key writing focus for this term will be: full stops, capital letters, sentence structure, adjectives and plurals.                                                 


This term we will be continuing to work on Level 4 sounds. Please continue to help your child with their home reading.                                                               


We will continue working with resources in class to help us with our understanding of number. We will also be applying our maths knowledge to solve problems. Our key maths focus areas for this term are:-  Addition and Subtraction within 10, Shape and Place Value to 20. 

Wider curriculum

Geography: This term our main topic focus is our local area. We started this topic in the last half term. We will be conducting a study of Pudsey, using maps and identifying human and physical features. This will coincide with our trip to Pudsey Parish Church in December. 

Science:  We will be looking at seasonal changes as Autumn becomes Winter. 

RE: We will be looking at Islamic art, Hindu avatars and images of the Christmas story. We will explore how different people understand God on Earth. We will talk about how putting ideas about God into words and pictures is challenging.  

PSHE: Our focus for this half term is citizenship.

PE: This term we will be working on our fundamental skills. We will have PE on a Tuesday this half term

ICT: We will continue learning how to stay safe online and begin to look at ways to use media to create art, focusing on digital painting.

Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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